Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
- The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing - vinikajúca knižka o DSP, je ju možné zdarma stiahnuť v pdf formáte (Základy, ADC, DAC, FT, Konvolúcia, Dig. filtre, Aplikácie - obraz, zvuk, kompresia, signálové procesory, Matematika - komplexné čísla, komplexná FT, Laplace, Z-transformácia,...)
- The BORES Signal Processing DSP course - Introduction to DSP - základy DSP
- Digital Fact Book - MPEG-2, DTV, prečo digitalizovať, niečo o TV štandardoch, základné pojmy sú abecedne zoradené a-z.
- Data Analysis BriefBook - základné pojmy a vzorce z analýzy dát, abecedne zoradené
- Digital Filter On The Web! - To design/analyze digital/analog filters, FIR, IIR, DSP, DFT, FFT,...
- Digital Signal Processing - základy, digitálne filtre, názorné Java applety!!!
- Using the ADSP-2100 Family - general info, FFT, modem, DTMF...
- Articles, Papers, and Presentations by BDTI Authors - good collection of DSP articles
- Moderní metody analýzy signálu - DFT, FFT, STFT, Adaptivní měření kmitočtu harmonického signálu,...
- An Introduction to Fourier Theory by Forrest Hoffman
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Fraktálna kompresia
JPEG 2000
Kompresia dát všeobecne
- Practical Huffman coding
- The Lossless Compression (Squeeze) Page - Huffman,LZW + Java Applety
- Data Compression Reference Center - Arithmetic,Huffman,Shanon Fano coding,LZ77,LZW,DPCM,...
- An Explanation of the Deflate Algorithm
- Zlib Specifications - zlib,deflate a gzip
- Gailly, Jean-loup - Mr. gzip, PNG, CCR
- Compression Pointers - veľa odkazov na stránky venované kompresii
- Data compression: Bits,Bytes and Beefalo
- Data-Compression.com - Theory, Lossless, Speech, Image, Vector Quantization,...
- Arithmetic Coding + Statistical Modeling = Data Compression
- Mitsuharu ARIMURA's Bookmarks on Source Coding/Data Compression
- Compression-related information
- FEI STU Bratislava - archív kompresných programov, freeware, shareware, source, archviers, compressors... resp. mirror na ftp://ftp.sac.sk/pub/pc, alebo prístup cez web na http://www.sac.sk
- Vector Quantization
- "Kódování, komprese a pan Morse", Eduard Lyko, 10.5.2000
- "Komprese obrazu a videa v multimediálních aplikacích" - Zoltán Nagy, Kamil Vrba, 28.1.2000
- Algoritmy komprese dat - Huffmanovo, Aritmeticke kodovani, LZ77, LZ78, LZW
- data compression - veľké množstvo kvalitných odkazov + trocha teorie
- The Signal Compression and Classification Group of the Information Systems Laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the School of Engineering of Stanford University
Počítačová grafika
- Amara's Wavelet Page - An Introductory tutorial to wavelet analysis and probably the best source of links and resources available on the internet
- The Wavelet Digest - This site contains the Wavelet Digest (an electronic journal) as well as various papers and software
- The wavelet Tutorial by Robi Polikar - úvod do FT a STFT, ich obmedzenia, ktoré vedú k použitiu CWT a DWT, veľa názorných obrázkov, minimum matematiky,
- An Introduction to Wavelets - úvod do vlniek, aplikácie v praxi
- Wavelets - Haarov wavelet a kompresia obrazu
- Brislawn, Christopher - Wavelets, Image Coding, FBI Compression Standard
- A Really Friendly Guide to Wavelets - veľmi zrozumiteľne vysvetlené vlnky bez použitia zložitej matematiky
- MathSoft Wavelet Resources - obrovské množstvo odkazov na stránky a dokumenty publikované o wavelets
- LuraWave SmartCompress - Compressing images using a wavelet transform
- MrSID Photo Edition - vlnkový kompresor obrázkov
- WAVELAB 802 for Matlab5.x - WaveLab is a collection of Matlab functions that have been used by the authors and collaborators to implement a variety of computational algorithms related to wavelet analysis.
- Publications: Pamela C. Cosman - This is a chronological listing of papers authored and co-authored by Dr. Pamela C. Cosman.
- Image Compression - from DCT to Wavelets
- WAVEKIT - The WAVEKIT-toolbox is a collection of functions for Matlab that implement the following wavelet and wavelet packet algorithms
- A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis - C. Torrence and G. P. Compo, 1998
- Surfing the Wavelets
- Kompresia statického obrazu s využitím waveletovej transformácie a lifting schémy